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5 Easy Steps To Rid Your Lawn of Unlucky Clover

Written by mguffey | Mar 17, 2020 6:15:00 PM

🍀Happy St. Patrick's Day!🍀


On this St. Patrick's Day, unless you have a lawn covered in four-leaf clovers and full of faith, hope, love and luck, you may be looking for a way to remove clover weeds from covering your yard in abundance. (Quick fact: There is one four-leaf clover for every ten thousand three-leaf clovers.) 



  1. ☘️Maintain a well-fertilized lawn. Creating a healthy, well-fertilized grass lawn will prevent clovers and other weeds from growing on your lawn. Growing thick and strong grass leaves no room for any other weeds, such as clover, to grow.
  2. ☘️Mow your lawn higher than 3 inches tall. When mowing your lawn mow higher than 3 inches tall to give your grass an advantage over the clover. If the grass blocks the clovers from the sun, then the clover will be unable to grow.
  3. ☘️Remove clover by hand. Simply remove it manually before it spreads. Clover can reproduce quickly, so when you begin to see it in your lawn, just pull It up. Be sure that you pull the roots out, or clovers will grow back in its place with the remaining roots.
  4. ☘️Cover clover with a sheet or garbage bag. Another way to remove clovers from your yard, would be to deprive them of sun and oxygen through covering them with a sheet, such a garbage bag. Ensure that it is secured to the ground so it doesn’t blow away. The risk is that this will kill just about everything beneath it, which means you need to be sure it is a large patch of clovers, as to not damage your grass.
  5. ☘️Spray with vinegar. Lastly, vinegar will kill the clovers, as it raises their pH level beyond their tolerance. This is an easy and cheap method, but you need to be careful when applying this as well, because it can affect other plants. Additional Recipe: Mix a gallon with an ounce of dish soap and spray on the clovers. 

If you have questions on how to prepare your yard for full bloom this spring, don't hesitate to schedule your ArborWISE appointment and speak with a Certified Arborist today!