Updated on: May 17, 2022
Our state is covered in beautiful trees. In our years of service to those trees, we've seen many, many kinds. But some trees are seen more often than others in residential yards.
If you've ever wondered what trees are most common throughout the Piedmont, Triad, and Coastal yards of NC, we have the list for you!
1. Loblolly Pine 
The loblolly pine is a tall evergreen with thin needles and scaly bark.
2. Red Maple
Red maples are known for sporting vibrant red foliage in the fall. Red flowers, opposite branching, and beautiful foliage make this Carolina tree hard to miss.
3. Oak
There are over 90 different oak species across the U.S. Oaks are known for producing acorns and have scaly bark and a variety of leaf shapes.
4. Yellow Poplar
Poplars are known for having straight trunks (usually) and being the tallest hardwood in North America.
5. Sweetgum
Star-shaped leaves and spiky ball-shaped fruit make sweetgum trees easy to recognize.
6. Hickory
Hickory trees have relatively small, hard nuts, wide or rounded leaflets, and
deep-vertical furrows.
7. Crape Myrtle
Showy pink, white, or lavender flowers and wrinkled petals make crape myrtles unmistakable.
8. River Birch
River birches are medium-sized trees mostly found along streams, rivers, and swampy areas.
9. Magnolia
Their white, fragrant flowers and shiny green leaves make magnolias showstoppers in any yard.
10. American Beech
American beeches have smooth, gray bark and dark green foliage with little teeth along their edges.
All of these trees can add value and beauty to your home. We want your trees to grow and thrive as much as you do, which is why we offer a myriad of tree health and general tree care services.
If you're ever worried about the health of your trees, feel free to give us a call. Using years of experience, we'll be able to diagnose any issue and provide solutions.
Want to learn more about caring for these common NC trees? Download our free Top 10 NC Tree Care Guide now!
Photos courtesy of:
1 - Richard Webb, bugwood.org
2 - USDA Forest Service - Region 8 - Southern, USDA Forest Service, bugwood.org
4 - Paul Wray, Iowa State University, bugwood.org
5 - Franklin Bonner, USFS (ret.), bugwood.org
6 & 7 - Paul Wray, Iowa State University, bugwood.org