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It’s Time to Band Your Trees from Cankerworms

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The fall cankerworm is native to North America and Charlotte, NC is known to have severe cankerworm infestations. The cankerworm has a four-stage life: egg, pupa, larva, and adult; after mating in December, the female moths crawl up trees to lay eggs on twigs and small branches. As leaves come out in the spring the eggs hatch leaving some caterpillars to feed on the leaves. Cankerworms on their own typically do not kill trees; however, repeated defoliation weakens trees leaving them susceptible to other stresses.

The Tree Bugs That are Thinning Out Your Canopy: Defoliators

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Updated: June 2, 2021

Is your tree canopy looking a bit sparse? The culprit may be defoliators, tree bugs that love to eat the leaves and needles of trees. Some like to feast in the early season (early spring to summer), while others will satisfy their appetites in the late season (late summer to fall). By the end of this post, you'll know the difference between the two and your treatment options.


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Have you been dealing with bagworms infestation all summer. Bagworm infestations can leave an unsightly look to your trees and cause maybe defoliation if left untreated.

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