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Fall Tree Care Tips to Prevent Winter Burn on Your Evergreens

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One of the best things about evergreens is their ability to, well, stay green! Their vibrant leaves and needles keep your yard from looking like a barren wasteland in the winter.

The last thing you want is for a harsh, dry winter to damage your evergreens and turn that lovely green foliage brown, an injury otherwise known as winter burn.

Is there anything you can do in the fall to reduce the chances of winter burn harming the evergreens in your Charlotte, NC yard?

We're glad you asked!

This week, we're going over the things you can do in autumn to keep your evergreens healthy throughout the winter and into spring.

Staying Current on Electrical Hazards: Carolina Tree Care Takes Part in Annual EHAT

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Did you know that about half of all electrocution fatalities are from indirect contact? And that even a streetlamp circuit or phone line can have enough energy running through it to cause a fatality?

Those facts may not be top of mind for you, but they have to be for tree care professionals who work around power lines on a regular basis.

That's why continuous training, like our recent EHAT, is so important!

Read This Post Before You Plant a Leyland Cypress

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With fall officially underway, you may be thinking about planting some new trees in your yard. (If you're not, here are a few reasons why you should be.)

If you're looking for trees that would make for good hedges for your Charlotte, NC property, the Leyland cypress may come up in your research. These trees are relatively cheap, and since they're evergreens, they have the potential to provide privacy and color year-round. But their biggest selling point is their fast growth.

You may be thinking, "Great, a fast-growing tree is exactly what I need!" But before you set your heart on a row of Leyland cypresses, learn a little bit more about this potentially troublesome tree!

Strengthen Your Trees Against Late Summer Storms With These 7 Tips

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The beginning of September doesn't just signal the end of summer — it's also the start of what's typically the most active period for hurricanes.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, there's a 60% chance that the 2022 hurricane season will be above normal.

Hurricanes and other severe weather events can be detrimental to your trees. Although the risk of failure is never zero, healthy trees have a much better chance at standing strong against the high winds and heavy rains that frequently blow through the Charlotte, NC area this time of year.

Follow these 7 tips to keep your trees healthy and strong and sleep a little easier during hurricane season!

Are Your Lawn Mowing Habits Hurting Your Tree?

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When a tree is unhealthy, you may look to the natural environment to try to figure out what's going on. Is there a disease or bug attacking it? Is it getting enough water? Is there a soil problem?

While any of those issues, or a combination of them, could lead to a sick tree, trees in urban environments have something more to contend with — us!

For instance, when you mow your lawn, do you mow over surface roots? Are you hitting your tree's trunk while using your string trimmer?

That could be what's behind the sick tree in your Charlotte, NC yard.

Keep reading to learn more about how lawn power tools can hurt your tree and how to protect your tree from damage!

Get to Know David Whitley, ISA-Certified Arborist

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A new arborist has joined Carolina Tree Care. Say hello to David Whitley!

Want to Plant Native Trees and Shrubs in Your Yard? Start Here.

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If your ideal yard includes fluttering butterflies, buzzing bees, and melodious birds, native trees and shrubs are a must. They're also vital if you want to support a healthy ecosystem.

This week, we're discussing why native trees and shrubs are so important. We're also giving you five native tree and shrub suggestions for your property in Charlotte, NC!

Everything You Need to Know About Installing a Pool in a Yard Full of Trees

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Finally installing the pool you've always wanted at your Charlotte, NC property? Although you may have to remove some trees to make room for your new pool, you may be wondering if you can leave trees around the perimeter or otherwise close by.

Trees provide beauty, privacy, shade, and many other benefits. It's no wonder you don't want to get rid of every tree in your yard!

But how close can a tree be to your pool? And which ones could cause trouble for your pool down the line?

This week, we're diving into what you should consider when it comes to trees and pools!

These 7 Trees are Made for the Shade

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Most trees need plenty of sunlight to grow and thrive, but that doesn't mean you have to leave the shady spots of your landscape empty!

There are lots of shade-tolerant tree species out there for you to choose from. Take a look through this list to see if any of these shade-tolerant trees would make the perfect addition to your outdoor space in Charlotte, NC.

Boost the Health of Your Trees the Environmentally Friendly Way

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The bugs in your trees are very annoying. Maybe they're dropping excrement into your pool or on your driveway. Or maybe you're tired of holes in your plant's leaves or webbing in between its branches.

You want to reduce the insect population in your trees and shrubs, but, as the environmentally conscious property owner you are, you don't want to use treatments that will negatively affect our sensitive ecosystem.

We feel the same way.

Treating your trees and shrubs doesn't have to mean damaging the rest of the environment. This week, we're talking about three things we do to reduce our impact on the environment while treating your trees and shrubs.

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