Have you been enjoying our blog posts as much as we've enjoyed writing them? We sure hope so! Our weekly posts will start up again in the new year, but until then, why not catch up on the blog posts you missed this year?
Browse through this roundup of the most popular blogs we published in 2021!
10. Don't Let Fallen Tree Leaves Go to Waste 
Who doesn't love a good DIY yard project? In this post, we talked about how to turn fallen leaves into mulch that you can use around your yard.
9. It's Time to Schedule Your Winter Tree Inspection & Pruning
With winter underway, now's the time to think about tree inspection and pruning services. Read up on the different types of pruning we offer in this blog post.
8. The Winter Tree Project You'll Want to Finish in These Next 6 Weeks
Wondering which tree projects you can get done this winter? A lot of other readers were, too! Let this post be your guide.
7. Here's How to Treat Warm Season Mites
Spider mites may not be life threatening for your tree (usually), but that doesn't mean they're not annoying. This post was all about how to identify warm season spider mites and how to knock them right off your plants.
6. 5 Evergreens You Should Plant for More Privacy
If there's one thing people love, it's a good list — it's why we're ending the year with one! Revisit this list if you want to plant some trees or shrubs that will screen your property all year.
5. Get to Know Stephen Mosko, Division Manager
Readers loved learning a little more about our new division manager, Stephen Mosko. Don't worry if you missed the announcement — all you need to know is in this post!
4. 5 Shade Trees to Add to Your Landscape This Fall 
Last summer was hot. It's no wonder people wanted to know how to make their properties cooler for the upcoming years. If your yard could use more shady spots, this post is for you.
3. Get to Know Amanda D. Raymond, Marketing Specialist
The post introducing yours truly made the top three posts of the year? Color this author flattered! In this post, I shared a little about my background and my goals as Carolina Tree Care's new marketing specialist. Come to learn more about me, but stay for the cute pic of my bunny Brucey!
2. The 7 Mistakes You're Making When Watering Your Trees
To water your tree or not to water your tree? If that was your question, we answered it in this blog post. We also provided seven tips to make sure you water your tree the right way.
1. Should You be Fertilizing Your Trees?
This post tops our list for good reason. Most trees in urban environments don't get all the nutrients they need to thrive for a variety of reasons. Fertilization can really make a difference when it comes to the vitality of your tree. Refresh your memory by giving this post another read!
Honorable mentions:
These two posts didn't make our Top 10 list, but readers did spend a little extra time with them!
Act Now to Protect Your Pines from Bark Beetles 
Left unchecked, pine bark beetles can kill your tree. It makes sense that anyone with pine trees would want to know more about these bugs.
Uh-Oh, Your Evergreen is Losing its Needles. Should You Be Worried?
Spoiler alert! As with most things in life, the answer to that question is: it depends. Evergreens do lose their foliage like deciduous trees, just not all at once. This post details when needle drop is normal and when you should be concerned.
Is there a tree care topic you'd like us to cover in the new year? Let us know! Send an email to amanda.raymond@carolinatree.com with your suggestions.
Like what you just read?
Then you'll love this: Top 10 Trees Found Across NC Yards